Registration – About

We have introduced an Online Registration system to our website. This allows parents to create accounts and register their children. When you first go to the registration page you’ll see a login screen (see below). At the bottom of that login screen you’ll see a link where you can create an account if you don’t have one yet.

Online Registration Login Page

If you click the link to create an account link you’ll be brought to the following page:

Online Registration Create an Account Page

All you need to do here to create an account is fill in all the information. All the fields are required except for a cell phone and are labelled as such. Once you fill out all the information click the “Create Account” button and your account will be created and you’ll be logged in.

If you have an account and logged in via the login page or if you have just created a new account then the next page you’ll see is the registration dashboard. This is the main hub of the online registration system and from here you’ll be able to add children to your account, register them in programs and get information for the programs you’ve registered in.

If this is your first time logging in or if you don’t have any children associated with your account you’ll see the following when you login to the registration dashboard:

Online Registration Dashboard with No Children on Account

As you can see there is a rather large warning to add a child to your account so you can register them for programs. That’s the first place you want to start, so simply click the tab at the top of the screen labelled “Add Child to Account”. That page looks like this:

Online Registration Add Child to Account

Please note that once you add the child once you won’t have to again, all their information will be saved so you can easily and quickly register them for programs. Simply fill in all the information on the form and click the “Add Child to Account” button at the bottom. You will then be brought back to the main “Register for Programs” tab and you’re child will now be ‘select-able’ from the drop down menu.

Now that we are onto registering a child for a program let’s take a look at that page:

Online Registration Register Child for Programs

As you can see a child is now in the drop down menu for the child to register and the warning message is gone. From here you simply need to fill in all the different information required. Finally you need to check off all the courses that you want to register the child in. The fee for each course is listed next to it.

Please note that the courses have unlock times and will only be available for registration after that unlock time. Those times will be announced by the Camrose Spirals via Facebook and other outlets as well.

Please note that by checking the programs and clicking the “Register for Programs” you are committing to paying the fee for the program(s) and filling out the necessary forms that will be provided for you after registration.

When you’re ready to register your child in the program(s) simply click the “Register for Programs” button.

Once you’re child has been registered in some programs you’ll want to click on the tab labelled “View Registered Programs”. That page looks like this:

Online Registration View Registered Programs

On this page you’ll be able to see basic information about the programs you’ve registered for including the year, description and fee. More importantly though, you’ll be able to download the program package which contains waivers and consent forms that will need to be filled out and emailed to the Camrose Spirals at


And that’s really all there is to the online registration. It might seem like a lot of information to take in but it’s quite easy to use once you get your account setup and your children registered to the account. From there registering for programs is extremely easy!